A deep rooting, perennial herb which is tolerant of a wide range of soil types although it does not like severe drought or waterlogging. High in protein, with a D value similar to perennial ryegrass, plantain is also a source of trace elements including calcium, sodium and magnesium. Best combined with clover to supply a source of nitrogen, plantain can be established between April and September. Add to grass leys at up to 2kg/acre.
Available in pack size of 5kg or 25kg
A common vetch, which delivers a quick coverage of soil, highly productive and rich in proteins. BARVICOS fixes large amounts of nitrogen and is high in protein. It can be used for annual forage production either alone or in a mixture with grasses. It is also ideal for green manuring. BARVICOS has vigorous growth and is winter hardy. It will establish and grow well on most soil types, helping to soak up nutrients and hold in the soil for use by spring cropping or reseeding. Vetch can be used typically 70-100 days after sowing, when 30-50% of the plants have flowered.
High sugar, multi-purpose forage and catch crop bred by Barenbrug for leaf production, it out-yields most other turnip varieties available. Within the brassicas family turnips are the quickest species to establish.
A high sugar content in Barkant provides winter hardness and increased palatability. Barkant is able to produce multiple harvests with the correct grazing management. Suitable for dairy beef and sheep.
Other Brassica Crops available – KALE, RAPE & FODDER BEET