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Multicut And Graze Mixture (Long Term)

Multicut And Graze Mixture (Long Term)


SKU: DS08C56350 Category:

Quantity based pricing table

Min Max Unit Price
10 And more. £71.00

CARRIGE CHARGES: £5 per bag will be charged for orders of 1 to 7 bags. For 8 Bags and above delivery is free

Multicut And Graze  
An intensive cutting mixture with the option to graze.  Hybrid Ryegrass grows as low as 6ºC therefore extending the growing season in Spring and Autumn.  The varieties chosen are high yielding, have good spring growth and are all NIAB listed for 2023/24.  Bannfoot combines yield, quality and disease resistance to be a very valuable variety.
2.00 kg BANNFOOT Hybrid Ryegrass (T)
2.00 kg MOIRA Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (D)
2.50 kg GLENARIFF Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (D)
3.00 kg FINTONA Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (T)
2.00 kg GLENARM Late Perennial Ryegrass (D)
1.00 kg COMER Timothy
0.50 kg PROTA WHITE White Clover Blend
Total pack will be suitable for one acre